03 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter II

I woke up at about 3 this morning; everyone was asleep, but the TV was still on. It was some creepy murder case so I turned it off and went back to sleep after taking some Ibuprofen to soothe my aching rib which I think I cracked coughing.

We woke up at 6:30, got dressed, and went to breakfast. Then we went back up to our room, finished packing, watched Arthur, and then it was time to check out.
We got on the tour bus and drove to Yorktown. We saw a replication midland farm and army encampment.

After Yorktown, we went to colonial Williamsburg. It was really fun. I walked around and took a ton of pictures and bought a caramel apple. At 1:00 we had lunch at Shield Tavern.

Then we went to Busch Gardens. I went on every single roller coaster there! I spent the afternoon with a group of 10 girls, including me, except at the end I went on the Roman Rapids with only Tyler because we were the only two out of the group who wanted to go. Then we had dinner at the Squire’s Grille.

All too soon, we had to get back on the bus and begin our journey back to the D.C. area; our hotel was in Silver Springs, Maryland. On the way, we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks on the bus screens. When that was over, I began Bend it like Beckham on my iPod. When we got to the hotel (a nice Hilton), Maddie and I (Margaret switched rooms) went to our room and saw it was really nice, like a honeymoon suite (big flatscreen TV, king bed, big bathroom, etc.)!


Nan said...

cool - I was waiting to hear about your DC trip - I am so glad you got to go! Are you completely healthy now?

Sue said...

Sounds like a good time!