04 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter III

We woke up at 6:00 and got dressed. Then we had breakfast in the Chesapeake Room on the 2nd floor. Then we got on the bus and drove to Arlington National Cemetary where we saw JFK's grave and the Tomb of the Unknowns. Then we saw the Iwo Jima Memorial.

After that we went to the Reagan International Trade Center food court for lunch. Outside, there was an entire family of ducks in the fountain. Then we went to the National Cathedral, which was really pretty. The Holocaust Museum was next; it had some really disgusting pictures and videos, especially of the Nazis' "medical experiments" on the Jews. The experience was really sad, sobering, and eye opening.

Then it was time for dinner at Chipotle. I had a very yummy chicken burrito with guacamole. Then we went back to the hotel. We were going to go swimming, but the pool was closed because of lightning, so I finished Bend it Like Beckham in my room on my iPod. Before I went to bed, I called Dad.

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