05 June 2008

D.C Trip Chapter IV

This morning we got up at 6:30, had breakfast, and got on the bus. We went to the FDR Memorial, which I LOVE, the George Mason Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, Ford's Theater, the Petersen House where Lincoln died (a dinky little place; the line was longer than the house itself!), the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (for cops who have died; kind of like the Vietnam Memorial only in unpolished white stone and not as big), and the National Building Museum (we only went in the front atrium Where they hold the inaugural dances). Then we went to the Old Post Office for lunch. I had orange chicken and got an "I <3 D.C" shirt.
After lunch we went to the National Archives. It was really dark to preserve the documents: the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. They're all really faded, but I got a restored copy of the Declaration in the gift shop. We saw the United States Navy Memorial, then we went to the Natural History Museum. I liked the gems and minerals, such as the Hope Diamond, and the evolution tree of homo sapiens sapiens. Then we went to the National Gallery of Art; there was a lot of pretty stuff there.

Then we saw the White House! It was really guarded, even though the president wasn't there; on our way over we'd seen a motorcade with the President and the Prime Minister of Israel (what a coincedence)! After the White House we saw the Blake (?) House where foreign dignitaries stay. They'd already changed the decor back to the U.S. colors and flag from the Israeli, even though he'd just left!

Then we went to the United States Air Force Memorial. After that we went to the Pentagon City Mall for dinner. I had a salad and Sun Chips, then called Dad. We headed back to the hotel where we swam for a while. Then I called Mom and went to bed.

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