02 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter I

These "D.C. Trip Chapters" are all back-dated posts copied (with a few edits) from the notebook I took along. There will be six chapters, so stay tuned. Sorry, it's kind of a play-by-play...

Today I woke up at 2:10 and made sure I had all my stuff together. Then mom took Tyler C. (girl) and me to school where we were given luggage tags before boarding a charter bus. As we drive to DIA I listened to Enya and dozed against my neck pillow against the window.

When we arrived, we got our bags, went inside, checked them, went through concourse A security, and took the train to concourse C. Some people bought breakfast or drinks, but I just ate a banana I'd brought. Then we got on the plane. I sat with my two roommates Maddie and Margaret. I slept for most of the flight. We landed in Dallas where I got an Auntie Anne's pretzel while I waited for our plane to Dulles. On that plane, we has the same seating arrangement. They showed Enchanted, which took up most of the flight. I worked on this comic for a while, and when it was time to get off, we went on the driving shuttle thingy to the baggage claim.

Then we went on our tour bus to D.C. where we picked up our tour guide. Then we went to the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Women's Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Albert Einstein Statue, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial. I learned today that I love polished black granite and fountains.

We got on our tour bus again and went to Ballston Common, a mall food court in Arlington, for dinner. That is where Dad fed me rice when I was still breast feeding. Nice. I had sushi and crab. Then we rode around on the elevator and escalators until we had to go outside to wait for the tour bus to take us on the 2-3 hour trip to Williamsburg, on which I slept. When we got there I took my last pneumonia pill and went to bed while Maddie and Margaret watched TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow .. long day huh ..?