26 June 2008

Better than E=mc^2

If picures are worth a thousand words, does that mean:
m=word worth of a movie,
f=number of frames in movie,
w=number of words in movie?

17 June 2008


Hey everyone! Here we are in Israel and we've been here for a week already! WOW! If you want current Israel updates check on http://www.stutzmast.blogspot.com/ which is our Israel Trek blog. I'm still working on those D.C. Chapters, though; don't worry!

08 June 2008

Hoo Boy.

I REALLY need to keep up with this thing better... I just got back from D.C. with my (former 8th grade) class. I will back-date some posts to tell you about that more in depth. Tomorrow we are off to Israel! Woo Hoo!

07 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter VI

I woke up and we were back at Westview. We got our bags out of the belly of the bus, then Tyler's mom took me home. Mom and dad were waiting and I hugged them a lot. I found out they'd moved rooms while I was gone so now the basement is mine! I went to sleep down there, then woke up at 11 to watch Hillary's support for Obama speech on TV in the National Building Museum! I told Dad, "Hey, I was just in there!"

After dinner I showed my family all of the almost 500 pictures I took.

The End! Sorry I took so long! This is the quote page I created over the course of the week.

06 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter V

I woke up at 5:45, went to breakfast, and packed up. Then we went to George Washington's former residence, Mt. Vernon. I slept on the bus on the way there. We took a tour of the mansion and saw their actual room! We also went down to his tomb/grave thing, and since we were there at 10 AM, our group was chosen for a special honor, so two of my classmates got to place the wreath in there! Then we went to the learning center and saw the museum-ish thing there, then we saw the store.

After that, we drove back to D.C. and saw the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, and the Capitol Building on Capitol Hill. For our final stop, we visited the Air and Space Museum.

Too soon it was time to go to Reagan National Airport and flew to Dallas, where we had dinner. Then we flew to Denver. We took the train to go get our bags, then caught our bus back to school. I listened to music and slept.

05 June 2008

D.C Trip Chapter IV

This morning we got up at 6:30, had breakfast, and got on the bus. We went to the FDR Memorial, which I LOVE, the George Mason Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, Ford's Theater, the Petersen House where Lincoln died (a dinky little place; the line was longer than the house itself!), the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (for cops who have died; kind of like the Vietnam Memorial only in unpolished white stone and not as big), and the National Building Museum (we only went in the front atrium Where they hold the inaugural dances). Then we went to the Old Post Office for lunch. I had orange chicken and got an "I <3 D.C" shirt.
After lunch we went to the National Archives. It was really dark to preserve the documents: the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. They're all really faded, but I got a restored copy of the Declaration in the gift shop. We saw the United States Navy Memorial, then we went to the Natural History Museum. I liked the gems and minerals, such as the Hope Diamond, and the evolution tree of homo sapiens sapiens. Then we went to the National Gallery of Art; there was a lot of pretty stuff there.

Then we saw the White House! It was really guarded, even though the president wasn't there; on our way over we'd seen a motorcade with the President and the Prime Minister of Israel (what a coincedence)! After the White House we saw the Blake (?) House where foreign dignitaries stay. They'd already changed the decor back to the U.S. colors and flag from the Israeli, even though he'd just left!

Then we went to the United States Air Force Memorial. After that we went to the Pentagon City Mall for dinner. I had a salad and Sun Chips, then called Dad. We headed back to the hotel where we swam for a while. Then I called Mom and went to bed.

04 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter III

We woke up at 6:00 and got dressed. Then we had breakfast in the Chesapeake Room on the 2nd floor. Then we got on the bus and drove to Arlington National Cemetary where we saw JFK's grave and the Tomb of the Unknowns. Then we saw the Iwo Jima Memorial.

After that we went to the Reagan International Trade Center food court for lunch. Outside, there was an entire family of ducks in the fountain. Then we went to the National Cathedral, which was really pretty. The Holocaust Museum was next; it had some really disgusting pictures and videos, especially of the Nazis' "medical experiments" on the Jews. The experience was really sad, sobering, and eye opening.

Then it was time for dinner at Chipotle. I had a very yummy chicken burrito with guacamole. Then we went back to the hotel. We were going to go swimming, but the pool was closed because of lightning, so I finished Bend it Like Beckham in my room on my iPod. Before I went to bed, I called Dad.

03 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter II

I woke up at about 3 this morning; everyone was asleep, but the TV was still on. It was some creepy murder case so I turned it off and went back to sleep after taking some Ibuprofen to soothe my aching rib which I think I cracked coughing.

We woke up at 6:30, got dressed, and went to breakfast. Then we went back up to our room, finished packing, watched Arthur, and then it was time to check out.
We got on the tour bus and drove to Yorktown. We saw a replication midland farm and army encampment.

After Yorktown, we went to colonial Williamsburg. It was really fun. I walked around and took a ton of pictures and bought a caramel apple. At 1:00 we had lunch at Shield Tavern.

Then we went to Busch Gardens. I went on every single roller coaster there! I spent the afternoon with a group of 10 girls, including me, except at the end I went on the Roman Rapids with only Tyler because we were the only two out of the group who wanted to go. Then we had dinner at the Squire’s Grille.

All too soon, we had to get back on the bus and begin our journey back to the D.C. area; our hotel was in Silver Springs, Maryland. On the way, we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks on the bus screens. When that was over, I began Bend it like Beckham on my iPod. When we got to the hotel (a nice Hilton), Maddie and I (Margaret switched rooms) went to our room and saw it was really nice, like a honeymoon suite (big flatscreen TV, king bed, big bathroom, etc.)!

02 June 2008

D.C. Trip Chapter I

These "D.C. Trip Chapters" are all back-dated posts copied (with a few edits) from the notebook I took along. There will be six chapters, so stay tuned. Sorry, it's kind of a play-by-play...

Today I woke up at 2:10 and made sure I had all my stuff together. Then mom took Tyler C. (girl) and me to school where we were given luggage tags before boarding a charter bus. As we drive to DIA I listened to Enya and dozed against my neck pillow against the window.

When we arrived, we got our bags, went inside, checked them, went through concourse A security, and took the train to concourse C. Some people bought breakfast or drinks, but I just ate a banana I'd brought. Then we got on the plane. I sat with my two roommates Maddie and Margaret. I slept for most of the flight. We landed in Dallas where I got an Auntie Anne's pretzel while I waited for our plane to Dulles. On that plane, we has the same seating arrangement. They showed Enchanted, which took up most of the flight. I worked on this comic for a while, and when it was time to get off, we went on the driving shuttle thingy to the baggage claim.

Then we went on our tour bus to D.C. where we picked up our tour guide. Then we went to the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Women's Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Albert Einstein Statue, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial. I learned today that I love polished black granite and fountains.

We got on our tour bus again and went to Ballston Common, a mall food court in Arlington, for dinner. That is where Dad fed me rice when I was still breast feeding. Nice. I had sushi and crab. Then we rode around on the elevator and escalators until we had to go outside to wait for the tour bus to take us on the 2-3 hour trip to Williamsburg, on which I slept. When we got there I took my last pneumonia pill and went to bed while Maddie and Margaret watched TV.