23 May 2008


This week has been just PACKED. On Monday night we went to the movie theater to see The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It was really good.
On Tuesday, Amy, Hannah, Sam, and I put on our mock Democratic Convention. State Senator Brandon Shaffer and Delegate Eldon Mast (haha) spoke. It was really cool and went well.

Wednesday was chock full of stuff. At 5:30 we went to a family picnic at my school for the 8th graders. At 6:45 we went into the gym and watched the end of the year slideshow. Then we had the 8th grade dance. It was fun except for the bad music (except for the Macarena, Electric Slide, and Cha Cha Slide, it was all rap).

Yesterday, I went on a field trip to Elitches. I went on the ferris wheel, a yo-yo type ride called "Turn of the Century", a spinny ride thing, and two roller coasters: Twister II and Mind Eraser. Too bad we had to go home early due to tornado warnings or I would've gone on more than five rides.

Today was the last day of school! We basically hung out all of today except for a kickball tounament. Some people cried, but not me. I didn't really like middle school. But I will miss my teachers Ms. Jones and Ms. Decker a lot. I cannot believe I am a high schooler already!


E and E said...

What a busy young lady! Sounds like you are enjoying the end of the school year. What are your plans for the summer after you return from Israel? G-ma

Nan said...

You have been so busy! Evan is a little jealous that all of his girl cousins are already out of school! One more week for him!

Sue said...

Woo Hoo! You made it!

terry said...

Lil, Since when did you decide that you didn't really like middle school? You could have fooled me! ;) You were always up and running to all of the stuff going on, and doing your best. I know that you're mainly eager to move on to the new adventures that await you. . . The D.C. trip and our family's adventure to Nazareth in June. Sometime, everyone else in the family should see the 07-08 yearbook that you put together as editor. It's very well done. I am a proud mama!

Anonymous said...

lol .. i thought u LOVED sKool .. hmm
well, yeah i miss my teachers a LOT alredi .. yup yup .. gd luks for high skool

Anonymous said...

lol .. i thought u LOVED sKool .. hmm
well, yeah i miss my teachers a LOT alredi .. yup yup .. gd luks for high skool