15 May 2008


On Monday my 8th grade silver team went to the Edora Pool Ice Center (EPIC) in Fort Collins for the day. We had fun swimming and skating. For about the first hour we skated, which was fun except I got a blister on my foot. When we went swimming there was a 3m high diving board which was fun. There was also this therapy pool thingy like a giant hot tub with bars in the middle. When we sat on them the lifeguard yelled at us, "Get off the...!" then he waved his hand at the therapy bars really spasticy. Once we got of "the", he yelled at some other kids in our group to stop dunking one another because "there's no oxygen in water!" I told my friends, "Oh, I forgot. H2O doesn't stand for 2 hydrogen + 1 oxygen. It's H2Oxymoron!"

Today I presented my POL. It went rather well except I looked at my cards a lot, and everyone liked my theme of: "middle school was like a three layer cake", mostly because I gave them pieces of the cake when my presentatation was over.

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