20 October 2008


Monday... and practice until 7:00 pm. So begins "hell week": the days of preparation for opening night on Thursday. Shouldn't the lead be the most worried? But somehow I am having the time of my life. I LOVE DRAMA! L-O-V-E. I-T. I think I should sue the devil for false advertising.

What I am worried about is the class party at Perkins after the last play. Well, not really. I'm actually really stoked for it, and I know it'll be amazing. Except maybe induction. All the upperclassmen in drama get to torture us or something. Just kidding. No but seriously. Just kidding. Well, I have seen the people who have been induced into volleyball and stuff. Coming to school dressed as pink bunnies and such. At least I won't have to wear it to school. Or will I? Or maybe I'll get TP'd. But I think it's all happening at Perkins, so however bad it gets at least I won't be more than humiliated in front of anyone who happens to be in Perkins at midnight. Nobody besides drama people. Hopefully. And maybe a 90-year-old insomniac.

Hopefully I did not just jinx myself. Even though I probably did.


Anonymous said...

Break a leg Lil!

See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I know quite a few 90-year-old insomniacs who go to Perkins at midnight. Just kidding. No but seriously. Just kidding. You didn't tell me about the party...what happened, hm hm? Maybe that's where you got hand h*rp**...