07 July 2008

What is this kid thinking?

I have taken all of the conventions (punctuation, capitalization, etc.) out of the following passage. It's up to you to decide whether the child who wrote this is an A student (likes school) or a C student (dislikes school) based on what he says in the paragraph. Then vote for your choice in the poll on the right. Once I have enough feedback, I'll give the answer.

go to school i'd rather not stay at home yes learning is important according to my mom i need some relaxaton time i can wait for that english math social studies and science stuff has priority like video games lame is the word that describes school awesome man today's saturday

Stumped? And you thought grammar wasn't important...!


Sue said...

This is a guess: it's a kid who dislikes school?

Sue said...

I don't follow directions too well sometimes.

Lily said...

Did you vote on the poll?