24 July 2008


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This week, we got two cats. One is a dxdddd (okay, apparently that’s kitty speak for “Siamese mix”). She is two looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (years old), and her name is Mocha. The other is an orange tabby, and he is about three months old. We have not named him yet. By the way, he is the one who keeps walking across the keyboard. At the moment he is on my lap, half chasing/biting his tail, half cleaning/licking it.


Nan said...

Another one??? Where his picture. If I'd known you wanted two cats, I'd have let you have Dixie!!!

E and E said...

We're eager to see a picture of your two new cats. Do they like each other or do they fight? Sounds like Ruben is already wanting to take piano lessons! You might need to close the piano keyboard so he doesn't wake everyone up at night!

Sounds like you had a good week at Sports Camp. Did you decide on a sports preference? By the way, how do you like your new room in the basement?