10 May 2008


My right arm and shoulder blade hurt! On Thursday, I went to Ev's house and played Wii sports: bowling, tennis, boxing and baseball. Then today I helped Becky and Katie from church move (lifting boxes, etc) then went real bowling with my youth group. It doesn't help things that I experimented with the 14 lb. ball. Being hunched over the computer probably isn't doing much good either. I need a massage...


terry said...

Waaah! I feel so sorry for you. ;) Thanks for being helpful to Becky and Katie, my dear. They really appreciated it!!

Nan said...

Has Ev signed on to your blog? He would enjoy knowing that Wii left a 'mark'!

Lily said...

Nope, he has not accepted the invite yet. And yes, I am sure he'd take much amusing that small detail.

Gee said...

A 14 pound bowling ball?!! I wisely (wimpishly?) used a 9 pound bowling ball. I really enjoyed bowling with all of you--thanks for letting my family join you.--GeeGee