03 May 2008

Lily's Lilies

"Ever close your eyes, ever stop and listen, ever feel alive and you've nothing missing? You don't need a reason, let the day go on and on. Let the rain fall down everywhere around you give into it now let the day surround you. You don't need a reason let the rain go on and on..." Enya, Wild Child

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I hope you take a break from the busyness of life and stop to listen. Listen to the rain, listen to the breeze, find a meadow and listen to the lilies. Or just listen to me by reading this blog. :)


Nan said...

Cool Lily! You have your own blog! I have been wondering about starting my own.....

terry said...

yeah, pretty cool, my first born wonder! I love the photos. Keep adding more of these lovelies and I'll be back to visit often! xo Mom

Marika said...

I hope that you don't mind that I signed in through Nathan's invitation??? I L-O-V-E LOVE that Enya song! Good choice! Your blog is already so sophisticated! Nice job! And, Nan, you should totally start one of your own! I love them (obviously)!

Lily said...

Yep, Marika! No problem. I only didn't invite you because I don't have your email address or I would have! :)
Nan, you _should_ start your own blog! I would totally visit it!

Shadowfur said...

Those Lillies are cool!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Lily! its me Colleen! How are you? love the pictures!

Lily said...

Hi Coleen! I'm doing pretty good! How about you? Glad you like the pics!