18 May 2008

Backpacking Trip

Over this past weekend (the 16th - 18th), 30 8th graders (including me and my friend Delanie) trekked up the mountain with huge backpacks to Camp Dick (name sound familiar to any seestor campers?) for a weekend-long backpacking trip. Everyone was a lot nicer up there than they are at school. The nights were super cold, but we went rock climbing and rapelling which were really fun. We rappelled down an almost vertical 50 foot cliff, which was really fun. The climb was really hard but I'm glad I completed it. Now I'm just glad to be home and eat real food after eating dehydrated freeze dried food (just add water! :) ) all weekend.


Nan said...

Aren't you glad you'd done it once before? I agree, just getting over the edge is scary and then it's really fun!

Delanie Rio said...

That was a fun trip...except when Mr. Kilgore freakin' TACKLED ME TO THE GROUND. But other than that it was fun. Lol, nobody even reads my comments....*blabbers on anyway*