25 July 2008

Sports Camp

The week of July 14-18 I attended an "All-Sports Camp" at Alexander Dawson School, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We did soccer, basketball, football, softball, swimming, frisbee, running, hockey, and tennis. We also did excercises to improve our athleticism (strength, agility, balance, reaction). On Thursday we stayed late and had a cookout, and on Friday we had a giant water fight in the afternoon. I went home at the end of the week tan... and sopping wet! :)

24 July 2008


N ymtlt[jhn;

This week, we got two cats. One is a dxdddd (okay, apparently that’s kitty speak for “Siamese mix”). She is two looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (years old), and her name is Mocha. The other is an orange tabby, and he is about three months old. We have not named him yet. By the way, he is the one who keeps walking across the keyboard. At the moment he is on my lap, half chasing/biting his tail, half cleaning/licking it.

13 July 2008


This movie is so amazing and cute! It's sci-fi, adventure, and romance all in one!

11 July 2008

Temp is Relative

The thermometer says it's 90 degrees out, but it doesn't even feel hot! Makes me wonder how hot it was in Israel... where nobody has thermometers. You just say it's hot, warm, cool, or cold there. ("Cool" was only heard at night, "cold" not at all.)

07 July 2008

What is this kid thinking?

I have taken all of the conventions (punctuation, capitalization, etc.) out of the following passage. It's up to you to decide whether the child who wrote this is an A student (likes school) or a C student (dislikes school) based on what he says in the paragraph. Then vote for your choice in the poll on the right. Once I have enough feedback, I'll give the answer.

go to school i'd rather not stay at home yes learning is important according to my mom i need some relaxaton time i can wait for that english math social studies and science stuff has priority like video games lame is the word that describes school awesome man today's saturday

Stumped? And you thought grammar wasn't important...!