23 May 2008


This week has been just PACKED. On Monday night we went to the movie theater to see The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It was really good.
On Tuesday, Amy, Hannah, Sam, and I put on our mock Democratic Convention. State Senator Brandon Shaffer and Delegate Eldon Mast (haha) spoke. It was really cool and went well.

Wednesday was chock full of stuff. At 5:30 we went to a family picnic at my school for the 8th graders. At 6:45 we went into the gym and watched the end of the year slideshow. Then we had the 8th grade dance. It was fun except for the bad music (except for the Macarena, Electric Slide, and Cha Cha Slide, it was all rap).

Yesterday, I went on a field trip to Elitches. I went on the ferris wheel, a yo-yo type ride called "Turn of the Century", a spinny ride thing, and two roller coasters: Twister II and Mind Eraser. Too bad we had to go home early due to tornado warnings or I would've gone on more than five rides.

Today was the last day of school! We basically hung out all of today except for a kickball tounament. Some people cried, but not me. I didn't really like middle school. But I will miss my teachers Ms. Jones and Ms. Decker a lot. I cannot believe I am a high schooler already!

18 May 2008

Backpacking Trip

Over this past weekend (the 16th - 18th), 30 8th graders (including me and my friend Delanie) trekked up the mountain with huge backpacks to Camp Dick (name sound familiar to any seestor campers?) for a weekend-long backpacking trip. Everyone was a lot nicer up there than they are at school. The nights were super cold, but we went rock climbing and rapelling which were really fun. We rappelled down an almost vertical 50 foot cliff, which was really fun. The climb was really hard but I'm glad I completed it. Now I'm just glad to be home and eat real food after eating dehydrated freeze dried food (just add water! :) ) all weekend.

15 May 2008


On Monday my 8th grade silver team went to the Edora Pool Ice Center (EPIC) in Fort Collins for the day. We had fun swimming and skating. For about the first hour we skated, which was fun except I got a blister on my foot. When we went swimming there was a 3m high diving board which was fun. There was also this therapy pool thingy like a giant hot tub with bars in the middle. When we sat on them the lifeguard yelled at us, "Get off the...!" then he waved his hand at the therapy bars really spasticy. Once we got of "the", he yelled at some other kids in our group to stop dunking one another because "there's no oxygen in water!" I told my friends, "Oh, I forgot. H2O doesn't stand for 2 hydrogen + 1 oxygen. It's H2Oxymoron!"

Today I presented my POL. It went rather well except I looked at my cards a lot, and everyone liked my theme of: "middle school was like a three layer cake", mostly because I gave them pieces of the cake when my presentatation was over.

10 May 2008


My right arm and shoulder blade hurt! On Thursday, I went to Ev's house and played Wii sports: bowling, tennis, boxing and baseball. Then today I helped Becky and Katie from church move (lifting boxes, etc) then went real bowling with my youth group. It doesn't help things that I experimented with the 14 lb. ball. Being hunched over the computer probably isn't doing much good either. I need a massage...

Paper Route Woes

My days as a paper carrier are numbered. The 31st will be my last day as an independent contractor for the Daily Times-Call. 21 days! But only 19 times of getting up at 3:30 a.m. are left! (On the two nights of the backpacking trip, Dad is subbing for me.) Wow, I am so glad to finally be quitting! I'm glad I did it though, because by the time this month is over, I will have made around $3,000, most of which I am saving for college.
But all is not as fine and dandy as it seems. There are still several strange things that I must work out before I quit. In March, I was charged for two boxes of bags at $20 + $1.54 tax each, but only received one. My district manager said she'd get me the $21.54 that I was owed, but that hasn't happened yet.

Another recent mishap was that I ordered 4 reams of Sunday bags at $2.50 + $0.19 each, only to discover they come in pairs, so now I have 8. I need to somehow return 2 pairs to get my $5.38 back for that.

The most recent calamity was that these people who ordered a driveway paper completely tore out their driveway! I put it on the sidewalk in front of the driveway: easy enough to find. The next day, I thought I'd make it even easier for my customers; they wouldn't even need to bend down to pick it up. I stuck it on top of the cone. At 6:30ish a.m., I was snoozing peacefully, enjoying the late start day and the chance to sleep in. Suddenly Nina shook me awake.
"Lily! Lily!" she said urgently. "I know you said not to bother you until 9:30, but this is an emergency!" I groaned and took the phone from her outstretched hand.

It was the Times-Call: "A customer at 1519 Denison can't find their paper." Brilliant. I biked over there and OH! Whaddya know! THE PAPER WAS RIGHT SMACK DAB IN PLAIN SIGHT, RIGHT ON THE CONE WHERE I PUT IT!!! So I took both papers up to the door and rung the doorbell.

When the guy came to the door, I asked him, "Which one do you want?" He took the one that had been on the cone all along. I told him, "Sir, I got here and the paper was right on the cone where I left it. I was trying to make it easier for you."

"On top of the cone?" he mused. "Oh, well then it must have been late, because I went out there and looked around for it about five times."

"No, sir, it was on time. I was here around 5," I said, wishing I could add It was right in front of your face the whole time!

"Oh, okay. Thank you," he said, and shut the door. Nice.

I went home and told mom, "Now I know how you feel when you say 'Lily, it's right in front of your face!'"

The next morning, I opened my daily bundle mail. This is what it said. "COMPLAINT ANNIBAL, GARY 1519 DENISON CIR, LONG - MISSED DELIVER COMMENTS: CALLED CA @6:54AM/CA TO DELIVER/NO CHARGE * * CHARGED * *" What?!? Number one, I did not miss the delivery and that's $2 down the toilet for nothing! Number two, isn't that an oxymoron to say "NO CHARGE * * CHARGED * *"? I called the home delivery department which wasn't helpful at all, then left a message on my boss's phone. I haven't heard back about that yet, either.

So, the Times-Call owes me $28.92 and has 21 days to get it to me. This should be interesting.

09 May 2008

Wried saepicl wrdos!

I wdneor why pploee can raed tihs suftf.

08 May 2008

This time of year...

... is so busy! POLs, Mock Conventions, cast parties for Doo-Wop, picnics, backpacking trips, BBQs, and the dance! Field trips to the police station, EPIC, and Elitches! Only good thing is everything is SUPER FUN, and the homework's lightening up... oops I just jinxed myself... I BET WE'LL GET OVERLOADED WITH HOMEWORK THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. There. Unjinxed. Oh no! Not again... I BET I JUST JINXED MYSELF AGAIN.

06 May 2008

I am at school right now!

My friends Amy, Hannah, Sam, and I are working on our independent study right now. We are working on a mock Democratic Convention for our Social Studies class. Brandon Shaffer is coming! I hate Macs. Next school year (this fall) they're getting all new computers, and they're going to have two PC labs and one Mac lab! Of course as soon as my class leaves. That's just my luck... :(

03 May 2008

Lily's Lilies

"Ever close your eyes, ever stop and listen, ever feel alive and you've nothing missing? You don't need a reason, let the day go on and on. Let the rain fall down everywhere around you give into it now let the day surround you. You don't need a reason let the rain go on and on..." Enya, Wild Child

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I hope you take a break from the busyness of life and stop to listen. Listen to the rain, listen to the breeze, find a meadow and listen to the lilies. Or just listen to me by reading this blog. :)