26 October 2012

Not helpful.

School Internet connection can't connect to same school's website. Makes so much sense!

02 October 2012

28 September 2012

Wired In

/* "Wired in" is a real thing.

Programming just has this thing about it... you go and go and go then a strange realization almost like waking up happens... */

printf ("I have been programming for %lf hours and %d lines of code have appeared!\n", many_hours, lots_lines);

/* I love it!!! */

It's how this...

gets transformed into...



"Throughout the movie, you hear the phrase “wired in” thrown around. It’s a term they use to explain when a programmer is concentrating on creating lines and lines of code."

18 September 2012

Blessed Be Your Name

Chapel Choir started this past Sunday and this is one of the songs we (helped) sing.

28 August 2012

Poptarts are good...

... but I don't want one right now. I just want some home canning to "GET IN MY BELLY" please.

15 July 2012

We're Young Enough to Say: This Has Gotta be the Good Life

I'm packing for college.

Now that I have lined it with cedar-boards, my new footlocker doesn't smell like nasty chemicals anymore... So time to start packing the linens away (including fitted sheets... ugh). And the stuff I got from IKEA: nubbly rug, lamp, and shade.

Maybe dishes too, if there's room.