17 July 2009

Since when is summer for...

schoolwork?! Sigh. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, for English. At least it's not a particularly long book. Still. I had better get crackin' cause I've got some textbook reading to do after that. Procrastinator party!

14 July 2009

My Favorite Music Video at the Moment


It's on the tip of my mind!

I am consolodating Yopp onto this blog, since I have enough trouble keeping up with one blog, let alone two. I needed to use the word decommission, but I couldn't think of it for almost ten minutes! I must be going insane. Surprising? No. :)

06 January 2009


Hey friendies. I know this is the page no one ever visits, but I have one even less trafficked. If that's even possible:
It's a magical land of hope and wonder charley!