23 February 2021

Custom button

 Have you ever needed a custom button that you couldn't find anywhere else, not even on PayPal's own site?

02 February 2018

19 May 2016

How to Remove the Vocals from a Song with Audacity


1. Open Audacity: If you haven't downloaded it already, download it. It's free. If you have, then open it up to a new project.

2. Drag in (or Record) the Song: Drag in the song from your desktop, or any folder. You can also drag in the song straight from iTunes.

3. Split the Stereo Track: Go to the upper left of the sound track and click on the drop down arrow next to the name of the song. Click on "Split Stereo Track".

4. Select the Bottom Track: To do this, double click on the blue part of the lower track. It should turn a darker shade of gray than the other track.

5. Invert the Bottom Track: Go to the Effects menu and choose "Invert". This flips around the lower track.

6. Set Both Tracks to Mono: Next go back to the drop down arrow next to the name of the song, and click on "Mono". Do this for both tracks. This sets it so that each audio signal is routed through a single channel.

7. Export It: Lastly, click the play button to make sure that the vocals are gone. If so, go up to the File menu and choose "Export". Once you do this, a box or two may pop up asking you to choose what name you want to export it as. Type in the name you want and press either Ok or Export. You should be good! Unfortunately, some songs have vocals that can't be removed completely.

08 February 2016

another chickadee from someone's wordpress

via: https://woodfordcedarrun.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/chickadee.jpg

12 January 2016


via: http://naturemappingfoundation.org/natmap/photos/birds/black-capped_chickadee_591np.jpg